Saturday, June 30, 2012

He's really six years old?

My little man turned six yesterday.

We had a great day as a family, decided to take the kids to the Imagine Children's Museum. David nearly spent the entire hour and a half in the "bus" there, he is fascinated with buses lately.

David may drive bus someday...

Another big thing that happened yesterday, was David rode a bike for the first time. If you desire to see how he did...check out our video here. He had so much fun. He sang a song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally (a free app we downloaded for his iPad). It's quite fun.

David does seem to tie everyday life into things he's seen on television, which in some cases has been really helpful. For instance... getting David to take all of his vitamins and supplements was helped tremendously by Sid the Science Kids video on smell, follow that link, select investigations and arrow down to "What's that Smell?"

David is fascinated with the tiny Tupperware Midgets I have, and tied that to the cups in this investigation. He gets 3-4 midgets of juice with all of his supplements in it. One day my husband went to pour them into his normal sippy style cup and David said "Want this one?" and pointed to the midget. Then he said "cup #1 has...popcorn", Troy (my husband) poured another one and David grabbed it and said "cup #2 has... cinnamon" quickly drinking each one and awaiting the next... it's worked for months now!

Anyway- maybe some else out there has a child that makes unique abstract correlations with stuff and can find this useful?

David watches Wild Kratts and one brother wears blue and the other wears green. David's blankets are blue and his brothers are their blankets are Martin and Chris (Kratt). See what I mean about abstract, it totally loses me and Troy or our childcare if we aren't paying attention. Some we still don't understand... but he's making or seeing some kind of connection...fascinating. I want to learn how he thinks more every day, so I can understand.

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