Saturday, August 11, 2012

A few steps back...

All I have to say is it has been one rough summer.

We have basically been treating David for yeast for a couple of months. Since school has been out.

David has struggled with the lack of schedule.

We finished that last dose of Amphotericin, waited one week off of iGg powder and decreased probiotics to do the stool sample and... all hell breaks loose.

David regresses, looses fine motor skills for buttoning, snapping, zipping pants. He won't wash his hands and when you try to help he's all "wobbly" and squirming all over the place!

Oh, did I mention he is not using the toilet? Yeah, he's back in diapers! (Yeast makes stool so soft/runny, I don't blame David here- but man, the laundry!)

He's chewing on his shirt.

He's defiant.

But hey, he's sleeping later!

He's craving carbs and sugar, of course.

And what does that feed...?


Argh- it is back with a vengeance. We gave it more ground when we took away gut support with iGg powder and probiotics...and any sugar he ingests just feeds it more. :::SIGH:::

Luckily, a few days after this behavior starts, Dr. lets me come in early to talk about David (when I'm supposed to be getting Gregory's allergy test results) and we both felt the yeast was back.

She immediately called in Nystatin before we get the stool sample because she knows we've got to make some headway.

Well, the pharmacy gets the Rx yesterday and once shipped we wouldn't get until Monday.

No! I can't do this craziness all weekend.

I tell you, I struggle when David is "below" his "normal". It really stresses me out, then I feel like a bad Mom because my patience is gone sooner in the day then it should be.

My wonderful family... the Plumbs.
Well, we took an almost two hour trip to Snoqualmie Falls yesterday to go and pick up that medicine, the pharmacy is right by the Falls themselves and it was a gorgeous drive.

Well, we immediately gave David his first dose once I received it...and was it just me or was he so calm on the way home?

The kids did pretty well, for the most part and we enjoyed some sightseeing too!

David checking out Snoqualmie Falls.

Well, we are on our way to beating this yeast again.

Now I know what die-off looks like in MY child. I also know what his behavior is like if yeast comes back.

I guess there is a silver lining.

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