Saturday, June 16, 2012

Aluminum Be Gone!

Big celebration on Thursday...we went from 10 in aluminum to ZERO. We have conquered the aluminum in David's system.

We are continuing to focus on arsenic and will do the same thing we have been doing with the suppositories and glutathione precursors to help David's body eliminate the arsenic as well.

Die off reactions from the yeast seem to be irritability and hyperactivity... some days are better than others. We'll continue with a new medication that's stronger after this Nystatin runs out...and then retest stool to see where we stand (in about 2 months).

Dr. is really impressed with David's response to many of the treatments we have tried since November. Did I mention all the intestinal issues/swelling have disappeared since we were on the Enhansa- it worked!

David's a hefty 72 lbs. now and we are tackling a lot of OT this summer to help his core strength and fine/gross motor skills. Praying we will start ILS (Integrated Listening System) in July with an additional OT... to help get things ready for school.

We have lots of reading homework to do through the summer, fine/gross motor and sensory stuff to work on... it'll be a busy few months.

But when is it not busy?

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