Saturday, June 30, 2012

You learn something new everyday...

We have really started hitting occupational therapy hard this summer for David.

We are seeing someone every other Friday. We've added someone every Monday and now we've started every Tuesday as well.

This new therapist (Tuesdays) is great, she works out of her home. She was great with David and had a lot of wonderful info to offer me.

Namely, she suggested a book called Raising a Sensory Smart Child - it's a great tool for parents and how to learn about sensory processing disorders prevalent in children on the spectrum. I love this book! I'm learning so much about proprioceptive, vestibular and all the other senses and how they work with each other.

There is a sensory questionnaire to help determine your child's needs and how to find a therapist to help. It teaches the difference between hyper sensitive and hypo sensitive. Great tips for everyday challenges in the home and ideas to help your child's "sensory diet".

I highly recommend this book.

We are now working with two occupational therapists and one physical therapist for David. They are all working together. We will be starting Integrated Listening very soon, we have decided to buy the program outright, though not all programs, just 1-2 as the OT sees fit...we can add more programs later if needed.

I am praying for a good summer, I know we will learn a lot about how to help David's sensory issues so when school comes we have a calmer more attentive child.

I am also looking at ways to recreate a few of the items that the OT uses that David responds so well to. He loves the industrial size sit n' spin someone made for the center there, and I can't find directions on-line. I know my family will help me build one.

I am also looking at a way to recreate the bubble/light tower and ways to control programmable Christmas lights for David.

Once I have directions and lists of materials I will gladly post here if you desire to create a sensory section for your child to relax at home. We already have a "cocoon" swing, but David loves the lycra (layered) swing at the OT...she made it and will give me the materials list and knot instructions to make one for home.

More to come...

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