Thursday, May 24, 2012

That little monster...YEAST!

Has finally reared it's ugly head in David. Got the results last week after we sent in stool sample to see if we needed to continue Enhansa. Inflammation was all gone, so Enhansa worked. David had been on a 5 day course of Zithromax for a long time cough he had and that is probably what gave us prime conditions for the yeast. It's LIGHT, but we are attacking it right away with a month of Nystatin and then a month of another drug IF it is covered under insurance (its super expensive).

What we are not looking forward to is die-off reactions from David: aggression, irritability, hyperactivity- if anything...praying for the later. I was told to give him activated charcoal on an empty stomach if we start seeing these behaviors and ibuprofen if he complains of cramps or headaches.

This is a 30 day treatment. We will be going in for another blood draw and glutathione push in a few weeks- hoping that goes well. Will check his aluminum and arsenic levels and see if cutting out a lot of the juice and apples has helped or not.

Hardest thing about this yeast is that it feeds on sugar. All David eats is carbs! That's not too good.

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