Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Light at the End of a VERY Long Tunnel...

It has been a rough few months.

Defiance is still present in David.

We got in last month to the Dr and we stopped the "ramp up" of methyl folate (5-MTHF) and brought additional supporting amino acids on board to provide a more rounded support to his system. We added additional NAC and Glycine and also added 5-HTP.

Things have started to improve.

Felt we needed just a bit more calming, so we have added Trytophan as well.

Waiting for the week to be through, then we'll move toward ramping up the methyl folate again.

Goal is to get to a pharmaceutical level of methyl folate (5mg or higher) then add in folinic acid.

We are going to heal my boys methylation cycle!

It is a long hard road, but patience is paying off.

When we didn't see the MAJOR changes that a lot of people see in their child when they start B12 shots, we knew that his cycle needed some serious repair. It's like B12 is just one spoke of this boys broken wheel. We've added a spoke of 5-HTP, another of Taurine and another of Tryptophan. We've "lengthened" the short spokes of NAC and Glycine by adding just a little more...

We will get this wheel rolling on it's own soon enough.

We know we are getting there because the defiance is actually a clue that things are working.

David is asserting a personality, he's irritable because more info is getting in and overstimulating we need to provide the sensory support he needs (proprioceptive (heavy work) and vestibular are the main ones to support right now.

Helping him to tune out background music and not become overwhelmed by it. This had been achieved at our OT appointments! The last 3 or 4 appointments, he hasn't even mentioned the music playing in the background, when he would normally immediately turn it off.

Slow but sure successes are so encouraging.

Thank God, we are ready for a little breather for awhile.

It's so hard when you want a "break" from your child. You feel like such a horrible parent when all you want to do is run the other way because you don't have any more patience or energy to fight. You can't decide if punishment is appropriate because you aren't certain if your child comprehends what is happening.

I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me...David's favorite scripture is what gets me though and reminds me that I can't do this...WE can't do this without Christ.

Now if we can slow down a bit to enjoy the time we have...

Gregory, Madeline & David- First time trick or treating this year!

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