Saturday, November 17, 2012

The yeast beast is back!

*****WARNING!- this post talks about POOP!*****

Took the boys on Thursday to the Dr for follow-up visits.

The night before, David was really gassy and stinky. I looked at Troy and said "That isn't good."

Sure enough, the stool test we did on 10/18 showed a +3 for Candida! That is moderate flora, not good.

So...while we were at the Dr., David proceeds to have an accident, because his stool is so runny it won't hold form. He is starting to act giddy again...but you know what?

He is happy and totally wonderful to be around!

I can not stress to parents enough who are treating their kids for yeast. Do NOT remove gut support! The probiotics, Enhansa, and iGg powder are essential to YOUR sanity!

David no longer has to use Enhansa because the inflammation in his gut is totally healed.

Remember the nightmare month of August we had, with the crazy defiance and horrible behaviors? That was all from going OFF gut support to take a stool test and check for yeast.

Well, you can check for yeast without removing that support...just check for the flora and continue to support the gut and heal inflammation.

Your hair will thank you since you won't be ripping it out!

David's behavior is still improving, he is still enjoyable and we are still seeing changes in him even though he has a bunch of yeast...again.

We are getting ready to start Nystatin again...for two months.

We are trying the BioFilm approach. It's a 4 step system, because OBVIOUSLY the yeast in David's system isn't giving up that easily.

Apparently yeast protects itself but exuding a slimy protective barrier (imagine a slug trail if you will), and when you take the anti-fungal, you see some improvement, but that slime protects enough yeast, that when the anti-fungal is removed there is enough there to start growing again.

Well, there is a targeted digestive enzyme that is made to remove that slimy protective barrier. So we take that, then 30 minutes to one hour later we take a dose of anti-fungal, then David eats his meal and one hour later we take activated charcoal and modified citrus pectin to "mop-up" the die off and lastly, we bring in fiber, to scrub the intestinal walls clean and carry the crud out of the body.

Sounds fun, huh?

Not when you are trying to determine HOW to do this on a school day!

We have to do this twice a day... it's all about logistics.

I will post more once we get started...but even with moderate flora David is still thriving and doing well.

Praying die-off doesn't turn him into a crazy horrible kid again...

Until next time...

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