Monday, September 17, 2012

Wits End...

This last few months have been such  struggle for us and David.

We have been treating for yeast since the end of June. We have seen an improvement the last few weeks and then yesterday, David decided he wasn't going to use the potty again and started going in his pants.

This is so stressful, the amount of laundry or money spent on pull-ups is ridiculous.

Not only that, but we have seen a major increase in defiance in David. We say "No, David" and he replies "Yes!" or vice's been a constant fight and battle gradually getting worse over the last few days.

We've heard that die-off reaction can be almost as bad or even worse in some children.

Is it that, or something else?

We have him on diflucan, a pretty strong anti-fungal.

We were also told it could be an increase in methylation for David. Which is a VERY good thing, but why all the defiance?

He's asserting his personality.

More sensory information is getting to David, so he gets overstimulated much faster. It's causing him to be more "oral" at school. Chewing on his fingers, his shirt and even his toes!

I don't know if we are dealing with die-off or increased methylation or BOTH.

We are so tired, after this last few months. We've been looking forward to things hopefully getting better...and we are still having so much trouble.

There is a lot of yelling in the house. David defying every request, arguing at every turn.

It is so frustrating, because no matter how simply we explain a punishment, he doesn't seem to understand.

We have taken away the iPad as consequence for messing his pants the last few days.

He cries consistently for it and almost to the point of puking.

It has been exhausting to consistently hold our ground and stand firm on the punishment. Lord give us strength...Please.

Hopefully we'll have more answers this week from Dr on what is going on with our kid and how we might get some relief...for all of us.

We did a small trial of L-Theanine chewables for calming and it seems to help a little, so we are going to go try a 800 mg dose of these as directed to see if it brings us some peace. These things taste amazing, they are like candy and David loves them.

Until those come, we'll continue to hang on to what sanity we have left until we get direction on how to handle our little tyrants behavior.

One exhausted Momma,

Until next time...

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