Friday, February 3, 2012

A little weight...

this is just a few months ago in October

Just today- we started Enhansa about 3-4 weeks ago.
For those of you that have autistic children, you know how eating and food are constantly on your mind. You may have a super picky eater and it isn't always the best food that our children enjoy. For David, it's breakfast: pancake, french toast or long as it has syrup, he's happy...this is for EVERY meal. He's been like this for years and he eats his fruits and veggies fairly well too and LOVES chips and he's a kid after carbs. We put him on the GFCF diet and he won't eat meat (unless it's bacon) and even now he's not that in to bacon.

I'm actually going to look into nutrition therapy, and ways or tricks to introduce new foods to him. It's so hard and frustrating when you spend the money on a new GFCF item and they take one sniff and won't touch it. I do all of my own baking for David but full meals are harder. He was doing Ian's chicken nuggets for awhile, then just stopped. He won't eat grilled "cheese" sandwiches any more and won't let me make him any kind of sandwich...all he wanted for lunch was his crispy bar- now he won't even eat that!

Well, he's always been thin, and very tall. We started a new supplement a few weeks back and we have seen immediate results. It's called Enhansa, check out the link if you want- no we are not being paid to mention it. It's a pure curcumin supplement to enhance absorption... all we know is that since we've been on it...David has gained weight! We noticed he has a "little gut" which you would get from eating carbs... it's actually encouraging. It's prescribed by our new Dr, but they offer a chart on-line for directions to self administer as well. I'm very impressed so far. I will watch him though, as that seemed like a lot of weight in such a short time- Dr isn't concerned at this time. His body is starting to retain/absorb calories, vitamins and minerals too- this is a good sign.

Just thought I'd share... see the before and after pics (sorry about the blurry after picture, David was upset by the flash and would cry)

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