Sunday, January 8, 2012

A vision...

Well, here we are in the New Year. I'm not a crazy blogging Mom, but it's nice to get an "Are you going to update your blog soon?" from a fellow mother.  I love to know I'm being read and maybe helping a few people out there with what we have been through so far.

I'm not big on New Years Resolutions, but I'm praying for good changes and the strength to be a part of something bigger for our church and eventually community.

The Lord has given me a vision, a passion for our fellow parents with special needs kids.  I hope someday to start a support group for parents in our church with kids that are special needs to support each other and pray for each other through rough times. I think that when things are good for some others may be going through a hard time and we can lift up and encourage one another in which ever side we are on at the time.  Sometimes, "regular" parents may not understand some of the things we struggle with day to day, especially if they are not exposed to those with special needs.  How little things are really a BIG deal for us. I'm not saying there aren't parallels for all parents, and I'm not trying to make special needs parents more "special"... parenting is hard enough in itself...right?

We have a wonderful loving church family and all of our volunteers that help with the kids are really great, they are open to learning about the children who attend that have special needs and how to interact with them... it's a wonderful thing to have.

I'd eventually like to open that support group up to our community also... but first things first. I have learned in my years with kids that I can NOT be supermom, it just is not healthy. I have to ask for help. I know I can't get this group up and running by myself, I have a vision for it- but I know it can be much I pray, if someone is out there that may have a heart for this as well, that we can team up and take different aspects of making this vision come true. 

I know my pastors are behind me, I know that I would like to make this a quarterly group (for the time being), I know I want to have good childcare available and that we will use the church and share a meal together. I want to get to know each other first, then bring in folks to talk about certain topics like biomedical/naturopathic treatments, GFCF diet, B12 injections, things like that...for folks that may enjoy the info and just want to know more- I'd take that time to get suggestions for things families want to hear about. I would need help gathering resources, maybe creating a newsletter, maybe sponsors or donors (for when we support the community) to create a grant for families that need extra help with supplements or treatments that can't afford those is all just so exciting!!

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