Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My nose...

Just a quick blog about my nose...because I'm feeling sorry for myself.

Pity Party!

This is the third time that David has slammed his head into mine (unknowingly) and crushed my poor nose. It brings tears to my eyes every time.

Luckily, it's not broken- just very sore. This kid has some power behind him!

What hurts more is that David laughs because he doesn't empathize very well- he doesn't understand his actions caused me pain.

I can stop him and say, "David  can you say that you are sorry to Mommy, you hurt her nose"  (as he is rubbing his head from the accident).

Then I ask him to kiss it. He lays his lips on my smack or pucker...just contact.

I love my boy.

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