Sunday, February 5, 2012

Constantly changing...

Just wrapped up another visit follow-up for David with his new Dr. She asks tons of questions about how he's doing and adjusts supplements accordingly. We talked about all the "white & brown" food he eats- the pancakes, waffles and french toast. It's a concern. We need to work on adding more items to his diet...I've been trying! Argh.

I will start taking David to additional OT starting February 24th and will also talk with a nutritionist to see what tricks and tactics we can use. It's hard to introduce something and have him waste it...constantly.

David loves veggies and fruits- but we've been doing canned with no salt. We need to switch to frozen as cans can have BPA in them and possibly aluminum too.

Aluminum- another concern. From our whole blood mercury/lead test, we found David has a very HIGH amount of aluminum in his system. We know that this is in some/most it could be from that, it also ones from cookware and stuff too. I have no idea what my huge Costco cookie sheets are made we'll need to buy new ones, since I bake so often on them.

David also has a good amount of arsenic in his system too. There are two forms of arsenic: organic an inorganic, the latter being the dangerous stuff. So we are doing a fractionated arsenic test (pee in a cup) to determine what type it is.

Did you know that arsenic can be found in chicken and apples! Learn something new everyday!

We are going after that aluminum right away: Aluminum is a neurotoxin and can affect his development. We will start giving David glutathione precursors: Glycine, NAC and Glutamine to help his body hopefully rid itself of the aluminum. Oh, did I mention we will also have to do nightly glutathione suppositories- joy.

I don't mind, if it will help David in the long run and get his body that much closer to healing itself on it's own. We follow-up in 8 weeks with another blood draw that I'm not looking forward to, as we are not drawing at the normal lab and with the normal person we are used to. While we do the blood draw at the Dr's office,  they will do an IV push of glutathione as well to boost that attempt to rid the body of the aluminum.

Momma's going to need valium for that blood draw day...and I get to load David up on GABA and bring the iPad in hopes of that much more distraction during the draw. This is really the hardest part thus far for me.

We will follow-up one week later for the blood test results to determine the next course of action. If the aluminum in the blood goes down, we will continue with the precursors and possible IV pushes of glutathione... if they count does not change we will have to look at possible IV chelation, which at this point feels impossible since blood draws are so difficult.

We may also increase his Methyl folate and B12 to every other night instead of every three days.

Stay tuned, draw in on 3/29... results on 4/4!

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