Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm happy to report...changes!

What a great week so far, and it's only Monday.

Checking out his new drumsticks on "can drums" we made...

A new fidget toy to help him at school...

Tinkertoys! I loved these when I was younger...

Got some great feedback from a teacher/Mom at our church that David's verbalization and response to questions being asked has really improved...we are noticing that as well at home.

The methyl-folate was added starting 12/22 and things have gradually started changing. David is more verbal, and more vocal, which can be hard because things seems to upset or frustrate him a bit more. It is to be expected though, since the methyl-folate is helping the vitamin B12 do it's job! Basically, neurons are being repaired and David is getting more stimulation, which can be more overwhelming...hence the vocalization (screaming or stimming (hand flapping) and increased rocking.

So, small downside is David throws himself down and grunts/screams/vocalizes when he doesn't like something he's being asked to do... we just encourage him to use words to help him and tell us what is upsetting him and help him work through it.

It's a change that may not be desired but I will take it, because along with that are wonderful the following conversation.

David:Momma will you sit and talk with me?
Me: Sure...what should we talk about?
David: Curious George.
Me: Ok, let's talk about Curious he a rhinoceros?
David: No!
Me; Is he a monkey?
David: Yes (with such enthusiastic inflection)

I still need to prompt the conversation, but we could talk all day.

I look forward to more of these conversations and the balance to tip to where I won't have to prompt him to talk, but that I won't be able to shut him up =0)

My boy is also singing a lot...he's memorizing songs and sings them while he is playing. To the Moon (from Sid the Science Kid) and a song about decay are his favorites right now. I'm not a big fan of Sid the Science Kid except that there is a lot to learn (thank you PBS) and that seems to override the irritation I have with Gerald (one of Sid's friends)... and the show in general as it seems a bit pretentious.

Today, David shared that he didn't like an item he was given for snack by saying "No, I don't like those." and pointing...that's new because instead he would normally just leave it untouched on the plate!

Also, we have had quite a few weeks of independent potty success! David wants to use the potty on his own, with the door shut for privacy. I encourage this, but we have to continually check on him as he likes to lay on the floor and play. We've had to put the hand soap up out of the way- as we will come in and it is empty...all over David's hair, face and hands, not to mention the floor. David still needs help following through with pulling up undies, pants and washing his hands...but we are getting there. I recently added PECS in the bathroom for help remembering the steps for potty and one in front of the sink for hand washing... I know we'll get there.

What is wonderful, is that this potty thing just happened...basically David started in on his own and we are so grateful for that... now we just gotta get all the steps down.

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