Saturday, April 14, 2012

Learning something new...

I started taking David to OT this Friday. I decided to do outside OT because David doesn't get much time with his OT at school and we know he needs more help with motor skills.

Learned about 2 things to help my son.

David responds well to squeezes. Not full body hugs with pillows but firm grips with both hands on his arms and legs. 

I never knew.

Now I know and we will do this at home at least 4-5 times a day to help him "load his nervous system".

David likes Theraputty. Hide marbles in it and he gets a fine motor workout digging them out!

Already ordered some on-line. 

Can't wait to learn about more ways to help my boy in two weeks. 

I just need to know what to do. Show me and I'll do it.

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