Thursday, April 19, 2012

Learning how to listen...

We had our consult today with Liliana Sacarin. She adores David. She was really good with him. She had him listen on the headphones and pressed the "sound button" then he got to press the button for her! He really liked that. He also enjoyed the microphone where he could talk and hear himself loud and clear in the headphones!

David will start the Tomatis Listening method on Monday May 21st from 4-6pm.

Dr. Sacarin and I sat down and made goals while David played.

1) Improved Muscle Tone Regulation (fine and gross motor, ability to ride a bike, catching & throwing balls)

2) Improved Eye Contact

3) Improved Ability to listen & follow directions- as opposed to the "immature" way he will repeat the direction he is given to help him process it before he goes and does the task.

4) Decreased sensitivity to foods. His tolerance to try new foods should increase.

5) Pain threshold will DECREASE- may start to complain more when he isn't feeling well or bumps into something. (*** side note: David face planted in the toy room in front of a young man receiving his listening treatment...he said "Wow, you have a strong son, I would have cried so hard")

6) Improved Ability to express emotion (longer sentences & more talking)

7) Communication! An exchange of conversation (I will cry when this happens)

8) Social Interaction (Playing WITH peers, not parallel play)

9) General Maturity will start to occur

I can't express the excitement to get started. I have a wonderful case manager at my insurance company who is helping get things in order to POSSIBLY have insurance play a part in paying for this treatment. That would be such a blessing! Dr. Sacarin allows payment plans which is also a blessing. So we are able to get started in May instead of waiting for July when my health savings starts over.

Will keep you posted on more milestones as they occur...

We have one more week at B12 shots every other day...then we go daily!

I feel in my gut we are on the verge of a beautiful breakthrough. Can't wait for God to continue to glorify himself in the changes in our son!

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