Sunday, November 20, 2011

The really little things...

My wonderful boy...

So...we have two B12 shots completed, it's really pretty simple... we are journaling anything and everything that seems new or different in David. My biggest thing to report so far is that David finally made contact with his baby sister yesterday for the first time, he's not been the least bit interested until yesterday.

He lightly touched her head numerous times yesterday evening...but I never got a picture, he was quiet about it, I notice him doing it but it was random and I couldn't get the camera on in time.

He asked the teacher her name in church today, and then repeated it...that was neat too. I like that he started the conversation with her, that's rare.

Oh, and he also went potty on his own today...completely by himself, no prompting. I guess that's a big one too.

All these little things...they will add up. Can't wait to see where we are in five weeks after the initial trial is over. Then dosage will be reviewed and adjusted if needed and we will continue for as long as we need to.

We have faith that David will be healed through this B12 therapy and we'll see him gradually transform into a new little boy.

More to come...

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