Friday, November 25, 2011


This week has been a bit frustrating...we've seen more defiance in David than normal. Looking right at us as he does something he KNOWS he shouldn't do.

"Argh!" I'm so frustrated because I know this comes with the B12 trial, good and bad he will respond.

Still no word from his teachers, hopefully this next week will bring some changes or connections being made that they can report on...that is what we are praying for.

It's only been a week and  days since we started, why does it seem longer?

All our testing has been done and sent in, the blood draw was successful on Wednesday (this time with Daddy's help) and now we wait for the follow-up appointment to discuss the rest of the battle plan.

So for now... :::sigh:::

1 comment:

  1. Although I have not experienced this same thing, I have felt the same, and although right now time seems to drag, in the future you will look back on it and it will seem to have flown by.

    This too shall pass and you shall make it through!
