Monday, April 25, 2011


I love to tickle my boys! I don't know if I shared this...but David LOVES to be tickled. So, when he was struggling and not doing as well as his younger brother in memorizing scriptures...what did I do? I reached into my arsenal of resources and pulled out TICKLES! Wow- this works so amazing for David. Again, we know how blessed we are that David doesn't mind touch, he snuggles with us and loves to be tickled, hugged and loved on (thank you Jesus).
The trick: Introducing a new scripture is a bit difficult, David likes consistency and is not too fond of change (not too many children with autism enjoy change). So... we work on the scripture in increments (natural breaks in rhythm help best) and he gets tickles as he recites with Momma. Then, of course, he wants more. So we get a lot of practice in. After awhile, I withhold tickles until he says 2 increments on his own and so on. Tickles are his incentive and his reward. Once he knows a scripture, he only gets tickles if he says it correctly, then he is rewarded with lots of tickles and praise from Momma (or Daddy). It's pretty awesome when your child wants to say all the scriptures they know because they want more tickles...huh?

Try this sometime with your little ones...I'd love to know if it works for you!

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