Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feeling Blessed...

Momma was able to go away successfully this weekend and came home to happy and healthy boys. Daddy still had all his hair left and the house hadn't burnt down. To top it all off our littlest man, Gregory decided he wanted to sit on the potty and has been successful two times today.

We (and I mean me) took awhile to get to a place where we would even think about trying to have another child. When we got David's diagnosis it felt like that was it, and we already had an 8 month old when we learned of David's developmental delay, it felt so hard to do and pretty overwhelming. Worrying that Gregory could possibly show signs of autism was scary...thinking back and remembering David, thinking about signs we didn't act on and looking for them to show up in Gregory. Rocking in the crib or on the couch. Little to no eye contact. Socially and emotionally quiet.

Gregory- 1 1/2 months

So far, so good. Gregory's almost three (in August) and his motor skills are above David's, he is extremely outgoing and he gets excited about the things he does and wants to show us, this is something David hasn't done. It has been nice to see such a difference in our two boys and it has also brought a sense of relief. We thank God on a daily basis for our boys. We have learned so much from David, I know our patience is much more bountiful than it was. We want to know and understand how to help them learn and grow to the best of their ability. David's teachers mentioned they wish all parents were as active in their child's education.


We are seeing great strides in David since we started with his all natural treatment. The gluten free, casein free diet was first and by itself, we didn't notice much change...maybe just less hyper. Once we started adding in the vitamins and supplements, things just starting happening, changing and taking shape- right before our eyes he was speaking a bit more and we were seeing more eye contact. What is so great is that the teachers and therapists knew how to bring him out of his shell even more with the visual PECS schedule and he took off again! Growing, learning and becoming even easier to work with.  I just can't wait to see the NutrEval result in about 4-5 months, so I can share our continued proof and success in natural treatment!

David is potty trained and doing really well! Gregory has caught on (because he adores David and wants to do whatever he does) and I love that. On top of that...God has blessed us once again and we are expecting another baby... we just can't wait to introduce him or her to two wonderful brothers!

1 comment:

  1. Great job. It is so wonderful to read about, and know about, all the positive things happening in your lives. MOM
