Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here we are mid-February. Things are going well on the potty training front. David’s school sent home his back-up diapers…Woohoo! It’s exciting that we are finally over a large speed bump that was causing me stress, unbeknownst to me. I didn’t realize how much I wanted David to be potty trained until we are finally there. What a weight has been lifted…kinda.

We seem to have gained a new skill though, and it’s not a good one. Poo Painting, anyone? Oh yes, you heard me right. I know, yucky. Huh? Some dear friends at our church told our community group horror stories about their twin girls and their “artwork” and now that nightmare has become our reality. None too excited about standing guard outside David’s room “timing” his naptime diaper change. He hasn’t gone #2 for us in the potty yet, it occurs before he goes to sleep for nap in the afternoon diaper. If we don’t catch it soon enough… we get to clean the walls. :::SIGH:::

Needless to say, a lot of vigorous hand washing has been occurring. David’s hands now seem to have Eczema. Dr. said plain old Vaseline after hand washing is the best thing, and it works. We use a great kid friendly soap from Melaleuca that we just love. 
It’s smells yummy and it comes out foamy and easy to rinse. The pump is oversized for little hands.

Still no luck trying new foods for David, it’s hard when you see him getting tired of the same old same old, but you can’t seem to introduce something new.

Some encouraging things I’ve noticed lately though, since we started treating David: He’s gone from 2-3 word sentences to 5-6 or sometimes up to 8 words! He’s taken off with wanting to learn to read. Starting him on BOB books for beginning readers. He’s enjoying those. Much better eye contact in general. We’ve been able to have a bit more conversation with David too, that’s been really nice. Treating naturally takes a bit more time, but I feel good about his progress and I know his body is getting exactly what it needs to recover itself. 

Last weekend, David broke our indoor trampoline (accidentally). We've ordered the part, but he was pretty sad. 

Remembering when he could jump...

This weekend, Mommy gets to go away for some much needed relaxation time. The women of our church are going on a retreat. Daddy will be home all weekend with the boys. I've prayed for a calm household while I'm gone and that potty training continues on the right track. We'll see how it goes.

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