Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter 2011...

We had a great Easter with family this year. We didn't have time to color eggs, but we still had a wonderful time. Grandma & Grandpa came up from Lacey, the boys were very happy to see them. Papa was picked up by Daddy on his way home from a half day at work. So, our "celebration" started after dinner and the boys got up from nap. We waited to give the boys their baskets until this time, so family could participate with us. David hasn't been napping as much, he stays in his room and rests, play quietly, which is long as Momma gets some down time! I'm the one who needs the naps lately, being 4 months pregnant. We had Grandpa Doug hide the eggs this year, the boys did great finding them.

Some were a little harder hid than others (top of the door)... or so we thought.
This was the first egg David found as he came down the stairs from nap!

I love the options for Organic and all natural candy this last few years! Yummy Earth amazes me and all the stuff I have tried tastes great! Lollipops, gummy bears & gummy worms. YUM. I also found another yummy treat this year: Justin's organic dark chocolate peanut butter cups... oh my. The boys basically went straight for the eggs and David proceeded to shove all the gummy worms in his mouth at the same time... hilarious for picture, but this caused panic in Momma.

David apparently likes gummy worms...

David also got a harmonica is his Easter basket...which he loved! He took to it right away once we showed him how to blow on it. He laughed after each note he made for about 1/2 hour!

My little music man

We enjoyed our family dinner as the boys rested upstairs, then had things cleaned up and ready for them when we went and got them up. This enabled us to focus on them and have all non-David friendly foods put away etc. The highlight of David's day was his dessert. As we had regular cheesecake with homemade lemon curd (yum), David enjoyed a popsicle he'd been obsessing over in a magazine for about a week. Daddy found the Dreyer's Acai Blueberry All- Natural Popsicles for him and we surprised him with this treat. He jumped up and down and diligently ate the entire thing himself with minimal mess!

Finale to the sugar rush = one happy boy

Easter is something special to our family, yes, we do the baskets for the boys, but we share the story of why Easter is so important to us as well. Simply put, it's about Jesus and what He came to do for us. We share the story of Easter with the boys a few weeks before Easter by reading a few bible passages and explaining how Jesus came to die for us. He died to save us and rose again to give us hope. Our faith has helped us tremendously through all our trials as a family, especially the diagnosis of David and how we handle his care. I find comfort in knowing I don't have control and even though sometimes that can be scary, I am reassured that God has David in his hands and will help us discern how to help him grow and learn. My faith brings me peace, and that comforts me. 'Nuff said...


I don't know why I chose a day to take my boys to see the tulips that everyone else on the planet chose as well. Traffic was icky, the weather was gorgeous and the wait in line was long. No child likes to wait in line, right? Once inside, our boys ran free. David was excited by all the color and really loved the tulips. He had a favorite he kept coming back to... "Zurel".

I told the name of the tulip once, and he remembered it the rest of the day.

I took my Dad along for the ride, I think everything was a bit much for him. Dad loves his grand boys, but he has a lot of health issues and finds it difficult to walk for too long as he is an amputee with a prosthesis. His youngest Grandson hung of his hand in line and ran away from him inside, Dad couldn't keep up. We wore him out in 15 minutes...but he is 70 years old...he did pretty good. I'm surprised he didn't conk out in the van on the way home!

They ran to everything, everywhere and left us in the dust.

We packed the entire kitchen to make sure we had all the food I needed to keep us happy on our trip. I get teased a lot because I'm a bit of a girl scout in that sense. I packed food, extra clothes and toys for entertainment...silly me.

David did well considering the amount of people that were there. I had to watch him because he would just fly in front of people taking pictures of the tulips, he was just so excited by all the colors and shapes he didn't notice anything (or anyone) else.

He would have sat here all day if we let him.
 Leaving posed to be an issue, David really didn't want to leave. It helped that his favorite flower was planted at the exit...daffodils. 

They really do make him smile... he loves daffodils!
All in all, we had a good day, got home way later than anticipated and got a late nap. It was worth it to see the boys enjoy the sunshine and fresh air and flowers.

Yeah Spring!