Monday, April 25, 2011


I love to tickle my boys! I don't know if I shared this...but David LOVES to be tickled. So, when he was struggling and not doing as well as his younger brother in memorizing scriptures...what did I do? I reached into my arsenal of resources and pulled out TICKLES! Wow- this works so amazing for David. Again, we know how blessed we are that David doesn't mind touch, he snuggles with us and loves to be tickled, hugged and loved on (thank you Jesus).
The trick: Introducing a new scripture is a bit difficult, David likes consistency and is not too fond of change (not too many children with autism enjoy change). So... we work on the scripture in increments (natural breaks in rhythm help best) and he gets tickles as he recites with Momma. Then, of course, he wants more. So we get a lot of practice in. After awhile, I withhold tickles until he says 2 increments on his own and so on. Tickles are his incentive and his reward. Once he knows a scripture, he only gets tickles if he says it correctly, then he is rewarded with lots of tickles and praise from Momma (or Daddy). It's pretty awesome when your child wants to say all the scriptures they know because they want more tickles...huh?

Try this sometime with your little ones...I'd love to know if it works for you!

At a loss...

Well, David has been off vitamins and supplements for almost 2 weeks, we tried this because of behavior issues at school. We've seen an improvement in overall behavior here at home, but not at school. I have a feeling he is pushing and testing boundaries because he won't be disciplined at school. This is making it so difficult for him to move forward to kindergarten, he won't do his independent work or listen to his teacher or occupational therapist.

He is basically ready to move up in school and that means more changes coming down the pike but we have to get David to somehow understand how important this learning and growing is for him.

I'm overwhelmed and I can only imagine he is too. New changes will be even more so.

We have to learn and figure this out together.

How can we communicate to David that he needs to cooperate and do his work so that he can move up in school to learn bigger and better things?

Pray for wisdom, that's what we can do. Then out of that will come action...eventually, hopefully.

Until then, I'll be still.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's been awhile since my last post... Morning sickness has ruled the roost for this last few months. I've taken this time to observe David. He is doing well drinking his juice and getting his vitamins...he's essentially been healthy since we started him on the new regimen at the beginning of January. One bout of green nose goblins, that cleared up with saline and humidifier usage :::phew:::

I've been getting emails from David's teacher, the class grew a bit this year and David seems to be having difficulty. I am at a loss as to what to do. David basically runs from the teacher and para-ed help all the time now. He isn't listening. He says "You're talking from your mouth" and "Run teacher, run!" this is happening anytime they interact with him and it's kind of taking it's toll. It's gotten worse this last few weeks and it wasn't behavior we were seeing at home, so I wasn't sure how to react. Well, it's starting now at home. I'm not sure, but I think he is testing boundaries- he doesn't get too far here at home. Momma and Daddy stick to their guns and it's tiring sometimes. I'm sure the teachers are trying, but they have 11 other students to attend to as well.

I'm going to take a chance and bring him to the Dr. and have her check his ears. The last time his behavior went "wonky" he had an ear infection... he wasn't fussy or anything... he had it for weeks and it wasn't clearing up.

We have David's conference this week, I don't know what to expect at this time. I was thinking he might get to move up to Kindergarten, but now I'm not so sure. Given his tendency to run and not listen to the teachers lately. Well, first things first... check the ears. Then we'll go from there.

I've noticed new behaviors emerging in David as well. He likes to shake his head a lot while focusing on something (giving him a euphoric/dizzy) feeling, then he crashes on his bed. He's lining up cars more (in rows) not just looking at the wheels (which he still does), he's just added to the attention for detail in how they are parked. His knowledge is growing tremendously, he never ceases to amaze me with what he has retained and recites at a moments notice. He's memorizing books. He loves "Ten Apples Up On Top" by Dr. Seuss. He recites it verbatim, no matter what book he is looking at.

Oh. I almost forgot! David got to have a really special day with Daddy at the beginning of this month. Troy found out that the Imagination Movers were coming to Seattle (to the SONY store) and he took David to meet them. Once they were inside the store and in line, Troy pointed to them and asked David "Who do you see?", David immediately wanted to sit down, right there in line. Boy, he was seriously star struck. All of the Movers are dad's and they were amazing. Troy explained (when it was their turn) that David had autism and the way he was acting was completely unexpected. They were gracious and friendly. Scott (left on floor with goggles) said Thanks to Troy for taking the time to bring David out. Pretty cool.  It was a fun time and here are some pics:
At the camera

What's over there?

In between getting there and meeting the Movers, they had to make a potty stop. They went to a local grocery store and David immediately gravitated toward the flowers. He loves flowers! Since he was a younger toddler, Grandma would bring over flower books (Birds & Blooms, Gardening Made Easy) and they were for me to peruse...but David loved them. He remembers the names of the flowers we tell him: Daylily, Zinia, Primrose, Daffodil (his favorite) Hyacinth...he remembers just about every one of them! He may be the next Ed Hume!

Saying "Hi" to the cyclamin and primroses.