Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What's Going On?

I think it has been almost 2 years since I posted anything.

We have had major school issues for David.

We have had major behavior issues with David.

We are still in the middle of the craziness and I am on medical leave from work because it has been THAT stressful.

David decided to start getting aggressive at school, refusing to do any academic work and being generally unpleasant all around to peers and teachers.

At the end of February, we did a MarCons nasal swab at his Dr. since we kept seeing green crud even after a round of "regular" antibiotics (with loads of probiotics on board).

We got a huge blood draw done and sent in a 3-day stool sample.

So much fun.

We got some answers.

David did NOT have MarCons, but he did have strep and a weird strain of something fungal in the nose.

We also learned David was clinically deficient in Zinc, Vitamin D (not surprised), Carnetine and B6.

Finally, stool sample revealed that my GFCF carb loving kid had an almost pathogenic level of non-beneficial gut bacteria!

We had a special nose spray created just to get at the crud we lovingly called "Booger Muck".

We also had a profile done to tell us exactly what would work against the gut bacteria and had something compounded for that too.

We love our compounding pharmacy!

Oh, then while we were cleaning and flossing David's teeth, he tried to head-butt me... he had a small hole in a tooth we'd been watching since all dental appointments require sleep. I got him in to the U/W Pediatric Dentistry and he sat for an x-ray.

This confirmed an abscess.

This kid has such a high pain tolerance. He had strep/fungal infection in the nose, gut problems and an abscess tooth...no wonder he was so difficult at school and in general.

I will say this now, never stop looking for ways to help your child(ren) on the spectrum, trust your gut and keep digging for ways to help them thrive and maybe someday (God willing) they will be a functional member of society.

We are still seeing behaviors in David but we are working to get that gut under control by adding in additional dietary items (whole family) to remove those simple carbs.

David gets that tooth taken care of in a few weeks too. The waiting is hard.

Anyone notice lately how hard it is to get BH4? National shortage continues, very hard to get this and keep David on it. We can get a few months supply and then we can't get it anymore.

We are trying to get along without BH4 and it has been hard. We tried Honopure and are currently looking at Phenibut to help with aggression, if that doesn't work we'll try Dopatropic powder.

When treating your child naturally, it takes time to see if things are working or not, waiting is the hardest part, especially when your child is so difficult at school.

Hopefully, I will post more soon!