Sunday, June 2, 2013

Long time, no see...

Well, not really. I don't see who reads this, but you know what I mean.

A lot of life has happened since November 2012.

Let's see...

In January 2013 we received the wonderful news that the yeast was gone in David's system!

I cried.

It is a lot of work, but it IS worth it.

We have tried to venture into the world of fermented foods. Kombucha, sauerkraut and Bubbie's pickles.

We have really been focusing on the ramp up to Deplin (Methyl-Folate) and Leucovorin (Folinic Acid) for David- it takes quite awhile to get where you need to be.

At the end of February, David has his first "sleeping" dental appointment.

We had a cleaning, x-rays and a few teeth pulled.

He really struggled with the wake up from anesthesia, but generally did pretty good.

We both took a nap after.

We were given a free family vacation in March that cost us our van. That was fun. Gorgeous condo in Ocean Shores, only to have transmission die on the way home in Hoquiam...hours from home.

Almost three weeks later, our dream family vehicle was made possible by a diligent father-in-law who just kept looking after we gave up.

David loves his new truck, he named her "Blue"

David has struggled on and off in school with new responsibilities.  Although, a new love for reading has emerged.

We send him to school in a SPIO shirt, which seems to help...but his behavior was getting worse this last month or so.

Wondering if the yeast was back.

Finally touched base with Dr and she lined up the behaviors to ALLERGIES! We tested foods but no environmental allergies. Duh. He gets green boogers, and "raccoon eyes" and he is irritable.

When he is having trouble dealing with how cruddy he feels, he is easily set off at school, being difficult for his teacher and his schoolmates. Throwing himself on the floor, spitting and hitting the para-ed.

Not good.

I needed some additional natural treatments in my arsenal for David.

In March, I was told of ARC of Snohomish County offering a grant for autism help and resources.

We started Craniosacral Therapy at the end of March for David, weekly after we see his OT (so he's worn out a bit). He immediately took to the therapist and really enjoys his sessions.
He lays on his back and watches his iPad while he gets various adjustments according to what his body needs.

The therapist said he could really benefit from daily treatments and I should look into taking a course on how to do some basic Craniosacral techniques.

I checked with ARC and it was a valid request for me to ask for the fee for the class to be paid for so I could learn how I could better help David (plus the rest of my family and friends).

Two weeks after I applied they paid for the course in full.

I am happy to say that I completed the 4 day course TODAY. I can not work on David's head yet since I am not quite trained in the changes made to the protocol for children BUT I can "tune in" to Davids rhythm and get to know him and build trust and familiarity. I can do a stillpoint at his feet, treat diaphrams and treat my family as well. I have to practice.

I know this is considered a bit "new-agey"...but my heart was in the right place. I asked God to guide me, I asked Jesus to help me be a light while I was there. I prayed, where others may have meditated. I know He helped me learn and understand everything I took home from this course.

Let's see, what else.

Oh yeah. Essential oils!

Some people are not sure about this technique, but I can honestly say, it has really worked for us in this last few months. I decided to get involved with doTerra oils. Mainly for the discount so I can treat my family with good quality oils and learn more about them too.

I can make my own cleaners and disinfectants with these oils, they can be used topically, internally and diffused too. I'm slowly replacing items in my medicine cabinet with oils.

I am  firm believer in oil of Oregano, this stuff is amazing! I use 3 drops under my tongue (with a swig of water) every hour (for up to 10 hours) if I feel something coming on. It works great in shampoo for itchy scalp. It also repels lice, and so does rosemary! I can get David to drink oil of oregano (2 drops) in a small cup of juice- that'll keep the yeast away!

I have started using the Serenity Blend on David (diluted in jojoba oil). I rub it on the back of his neck and down his spine to help calm him on school days. I also add Balance (a grounding blend) diluted in jojoba to his feet as well. This oil helps him to focus. DigestZen also has helped David recently.

We are also looking in to adding BH4 to David's regimen to support the Methylfolate and Folinic acid- that is another NEW item in autism treatment seeing great results. you can see, blogging hasn't been my top priority. We've been through a lot.

I think we are emerging...