Monday, December 19, 2011

Another chapter...

Above is David checking out his new swing... and using the 3rd person...

On Wednesday, I went and met with David's new Dr. to go over all the test results and get a treatment plan in order. I wasn't expecting to be there for 2 hours, but she is nothing but thorough. Getting the iGg food allergy results was tough...because at level 3 sensitivity, there sits peanut, oats, egg and pineapple. There go Momma's super healthy flour-less breakfast cookies out the window! Trying to reinvent that cookie with buckwheat groats, almond butter and applesauce is my next challenge, among other items right now.

First week's plan is working on David's deficiencies (Iron and Vitamin D), then on to week two,  we will add methylation support. By week three, we will add gut support to the bandwagon and on week four, we are fully supporting everything by topping it off with helping his absorption.

I left with many new supplements and immediately came home to create an EXCEL spreadsheet to figure out how to fit it all in during the day. Shuffling the probiotic to bedtime so I could give David digestive enzymes throughout the day with every meal instead of once a day. Making sure that I don't mix the iron with any other minerals... and so on.

The Dr. gave me a battle plan on what to add and how to add it, but I still needed to organize it all onto one sheet so I wouldn't miss anything on any given day.

I also started treating him homeopathically for cold/sinus support- he's had a cough since last week and remembering all the drops every 2-4 hours is only adding to the "Momma freak-out" level. I wandered around the house Lysol-ing all the doorknobs, light switches and remotes...

We are now over the 5 week initial trial of B12 and continuing that same duration of every 3 days, we considered moving to every other day but the Dr wanted to add a Methyl folate to David's support to see if that might be what is "holding back" the B12 from really working. It's all about getting his methylation cycle to work well on it's own. We added the B12 and saw a few small changes, but without the folate in  methyl form, the cycle isn't completed...and all items in the Methylation cycle must be supported or the whole cycle doesn't work. Praying this is the key and we'll start seeing more change after we add the methyl folate starting 12/22.

I've felt overwhelmed since Wednesday, staying up and creating that spreadsheet, learning how to reorganize everything, again. Also dealing with not just GFCF diet, but having to remove some essentials that I've leaned on for so long with David. It's all new to me again, and right before Christmas too. I know this too shall pass and I look forward to reporting some new findings in the next weeks to come.