Monday, October 3, 2011

the iPad...

We had David's iPad etched (for FREE) ...

The super easy to put on screen protector!

The stylus we found for David- perfect for his size hands and easy to use!

Trying out the Spelling Bug app- recommended by his Preschool Teacher

iWrite Words app- great for handwriting skills- the stylus hadn't come yet...

It's been awhile since I've blogged, sorry.  Baby #3 on the way any day now...

We received David's iPad at the end of July. He's really enjoyed using it. We've found some great apps that he loves and also learned what he will sit and waste his time on (Angry Birds) so we removed it... we also got a stylus to help his fine motor skills/grip.

David enjoys music, we found a great piano app (Juno Baby) and David really gets a kick out of HOP on drums (from the movie). We also found a guitar app- but he doesn't seem to favor it as much.

Someone loves his new iPad
David started Kindergarten this year and seems to be doing well in his class. He enjoys his teachers and still loves to ride the school bus to and from the school.

We are due soon for another big blood draw, want to see where his baseline is after being on supplements for a little over a year.