Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May & June (so far)

Things feel like they are getting back to normal. We had a fun little virus go through the household with puking and what we like to call "butt-trouble". Tasteful, I know. I think we are all in the clear now. :::phew:::

David graduates to Kindergarten in September and we are excited and scared for this new adventure. We are working hard to get him an iPad by the end of the month to help him continue his education here at home for handwriting tasks, some easy spelling/memorization and early reader items. His motor skills still need improvement, so that is what we are going to work on this summer.

Daddy found a cool new swimming pool that has a great kids area and David loves to go swimming with him. He looks forward to that every time they go and he sleeps well afterward. Otherwise, David has been getting up between 5:45 - 6:30am every morning, which is a bit rough on Momma, who needs her sleep because she is almost 5 months pregnant.   :::ugh:::

Trying the boys in the same room for bedtime has been fairly successful since Memorial Day weekend but nap time just isn't working, they won't wind down and sleep. Trying to get that sorted out before the baby comes. David and Gregory have been playing and interacting well together, they laugh a lot and encourage each other...even in the not so good things (like pooh painting). Will will try for more social gatherings this summer with family to get David some more peer interaction too.

All in all, besides still working on getting him back on all his supplements & vitamins, David is doing well. The behavior issue never really changed at school, so we are getting his body back on what it needs and we'll run new tests soon to see where we stand on his allergies to gluten and casein as well as the nutrients he still needs.